Our Newfoundland Puppy Litter will Arrive Soon!
Our adorable litter from North Fork's Kora and North Fork's In The Nick of Time is due April 26, 2025. Get your deposit in today!
Roan, The Service Dog

Way To Go Cooper!
Cooper celebrating passing his Therapy Dog Certification and Canine Good Citizen. He passed with flying colors!
George is Rocking in Training!
Meet George, one of our puppies, who is working on his training with Camelot Canine of Ohio.
Congratulations to George and Gracie for passing AKC CGC! A special contrats to George for completing AKC Therapy Dog.
The Life of Kai
Brhuce is Famous!
He’s up and coming Celebrity, with his very first magazine ad!
Morticia Is Doing Great!
One of our puppies - Morticia - is doing great learning to heel. Watch how she watches her trainer!
Dewey Is Internet Famous!
One of North Fork's Newfoundlands, Dewey, is featured in this compilation by Buzz Feed Animals. Dewey, can we get your autograph?? Be sure to check out Dewey's Facebook page, too!
Happy Puppy In His New Home: Meet Kai
Newfoundland Service Dog
Newfoundlands are known for their gentle nature and eagerness to please, which makes them perfect for becoming a service dog. Meet North Fork's Roan. He is 1 year old in the video. He's titled as a certified service dog and now has canine good citizen (CGC). He is owned by Dr. Charles and Jean Giangarra. Handling him is Erin Compher, owner/trainer of Independent K9.